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Welcome to the update logs of CCalc!

These logs are to document what has been updated in CCalc so far. You can also find the update logs in CCalc's changelog (which is possibly more date-y) file in Gitlab. Any log older than 6 months old will be archived.

3/10/22 - Modifiers are officially added!

After a hiatus since February 13th, 2022 until March 10th, 2022, I am pleased to announce that modifiers, a goal that I was working on since around February 12th, has been formally introduced to its alpha stage to the code. Both numbers (num1 and num2) now have the ability to have modifiers applied to them. In case if you don't know what they are, modifiers basically allow your your numbers have more; they can have things such as cube roots or fractions in them, among many more. For now, however, I have released 2 modifiers that can be applied to both numbers; square roots and percentages. Here is a GIF to show you how it works:

.. And thats how it works! I plan to add more modifiers eventually in the very near future, so stay tuned for them!